Spike Renewables S.r.l. is an Engineering Company focused on system engineering that deals with all aspect of a project from design to construction and integration. Spike overlaps and manages technical and human-centered disciplines such as design, industrial engineering, control engineering, project management and cost monitoring.

Spike Renewables S.r.l. has a structure that provides services that are normally performed by larger companies maintaining at the same time a relationship Professional/Client typical of a professional Studio. This method of operating is possible thanks to the stable collaboration with the University of Florence and to the highly skilled staff.
In system and energetic engineering, Spike Renewables S.r.l. has most developed sectors with greater technological content such as industrial, energy efficiency and construction sectors.
Spike Renewables S.r.l. has ongoing R&D projects in the H2020 and Horizon Europe CE program on Geothermal Energy Production and in Industrial Process Efficiency. Technologies on which Spike, through its R&D activities, has a specific expertise are Hydrogen application in indutrial sector and mobility.

Spike Renewables S.r.l. is founder member of RE-CORD (Renewable Energy Consortium for Research and Demonstration), University of Florence Spin-off. RE-CORD is a no-profit institution.
Members of the RE-CORD Consortium are: University of Florence (Interdepartmental Research Center for Alternative Energy and Renewable) – CREARAzienda Agricola Montepaldi SrlPianvallico SpA, and Spike Renewables Srl.
RE-CORD aims to:
• developing know-how and innovation trough basic and applied research;
• sharing the human and infrastructural resources of the members, constituting a lean and well equipped body, able to efficiently and quickly react to R&D opportunities as they arise;
• operating pilot and demo unit in the field of biomass combustion, torrefaction, pyrolysis and gasification, biofuels, biochemicals, solar and wind energies;
• representing a key partner in EU and International R&D activities in the field of bioenergy, biofuels and renewable energies;
• representing a specialist in a leading sector of economy and environment, focusing themes and becoming a national and international point of excellence for research and demonstration on renewable sources;
• offering services to international, national, and local authorities as well as to private enterprises (through the Chemical and Analytical laboratory, as well as the pilot plants), and expertise in the field Renewable Sources of Energy and Biofuels-Agroenergy;
• promoting sustainable development as well as training and education.